Past Events

Events Archive

2020-2021 Sept

TALK: Un-Boxing Gender: Toward Trans-Affirming L2 Pedagogies
Kris Knisely


TALK: Anniversary Panel for L2 Journal: What Should Be the Knowledge Base of Foreign Language Teachers in Higher Education?
Margot Szarke, Dominick Lawton, Ignacio Navarrete, Minsook Kim, Gabriella Licata, Anna Maria Bellezza


TALK: On Butterflies, Onions, and Surfers: How Language Teaching Can Save the World
Glenn Levine



March 15, 2024: Simon Coffey

March 1, 2024
Sparking the imagination: Creative connectivity and emotional investment in language learning Dr Simon Coffey King’s College London

There has been an extraordinary rise of interest in the use of ‘emotion’ and ‘creativity’ as leitmotivs in language learning research and teaching. I begin this talk by briefly reviewing some developments of these terms in language education scholarship (including two recent special issues I jointly guest-edited), before then presenting some approaches I have...

Dec 3, 2021: Fall BLC Fellows Forum

November 19, 2021
Instructional Development Research Projects Course Innovation of Hindi 101A (Readings in Modern Hindi Literature) Nora Melnikova Lecturer, South & Southeast Asian Studies

In this presentation I share an innovative reworking of a literature reading course designed for medium-high to advanced-high speakers of Hindi. The objective was to shift the curricular focus towards a curriculum that supports the development of critical thinking skills and deeper understandings of historical and societal processes through literary analysis as facilitated by a...

Oct 22, 2021: BLC Panel - Study Abroad in a Post-Pandemic World

October 8, 2021
Study Abroad in a Post-Pandemic World BLC Panel: (led by Robert Blake, UC Davis) Study Abroad, Interrupted: Opportunities and Challenges of (Post-)Pandemic Times
Glenn Levine, UC Irvine Exploring Second Language Learning in the Virtual Study Abroad Context
Dan Davidson, American Councils Virtual Study Abroad During the Pandemic and Beyond
Sonia Shiri, University of Arizona Has the Pandemic Changed What Matters for Students Planning to Study Abroad...

Oct 14, 2021: Studying Languages Abroad

September 30, 2021
Information Session: Studying Languages Abroad Panel Participants: Jeroen Dewulf, Faculty Academic Director, Berkeley Study Abroad Barbara Tassielli, Assistant Director of Advising, Study Abroad Darin Menlove, Vice Dean, Berkeley Summer Sessions & Study Abroad Breanne Tcheng, Global Internships Program Coordinator Milan Filo, Virtual Internship Participant Alexander Tan, Summer Abroad Program Coordinator

We invite faculty, students, and...

Apr 29, 2022: Spring BLC Fellows Forum

April 15, 2022
Instructional Development Research Projects
The Soviet 1960s: A Multiliteracies-Based Approach to Second-Year Russian Sabrina Jaszi Graduate Student, Slavic Languages & Literatures

This presentation focuses on an intermediate Russian course taught through engaging and relatable youth-centric works of the period of cultural liberalization following Stalin’s rule. Employing an integrated approach to reading, writing, and communication, the course places literary and non-literary texts at the center of the curriculum. Elements include three thematic...

Sept 24, 2021: BLC Summer Fellows Forum

September 10, 2021
BLC Summer Fellows Forum: Film in the Language Curriculum Nikolaus Euba (German)
Vesna Rodic (French)
Chika Shibahara (Japanese)
Donna Southard (Spanish)
Jason Vivrette (Turkish)
Lihua Zhang (Chinese)

The six speakers on this panel participated in a month-long summer project in which they each designed three lesson plans for classroom use based on clips they created from the foreign language films in Lumière (the Berkeley Language Center Library of Film & Clips). These lesson...

Nov 12, 2021: Heather Willis Allen

October 29, 2021
Moving Beyond Product, Process, or Genre: A Design Orientation to L2 Writing Instruction Heather Willis Allen Associate Professor, French University of Wisconsin‐Madison

Writing’s role in daily communication has grown in recent years given increases in text messaging and multimodal online composing, and it also figures prominently in the 21st century literacies that students should develop. However, theorizing and educational practice related to second language (L2) writing in U.S. collegiate language programs have not kept pace. Whereas innovative writing...

Jan 28, 2022: Stacey Margarita Johnson

January 14, 2022
Academic Podcasting, Public Scholarship, and Professional Networks Stacey Margarita Johnson Assistant Director, Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University

Podcasts are everywhere! Through this new medium, enterprising makers create public-facing audio episodes for the public, and consumers can find episodes on any topic under the sun. Good academic podcasts might spark conversation, democratize knowledge, bring attention to important scholarship, or connect researchers with practitioners, among many other possible goals. Through learner and/or learner...

Mar 4, 2022: Per Urlaub and Eva Dessein

February 18, 2022
From Disrupted Classrooms to Human-Machine Collaboration? The Pocket Calculator, Google Translate, and the Future of Language Education Per Urlaub and Eva Dessein Associate Professor & Visiting Assistant Professor, Middlebury

Our talk argues that consumer-oriented machine translation software applications are disrupting foreign language education. In order to mitigate this impact, we offer guidance on how to transform teachers’ perceptions of online translators. This process is a critical precondition for the gradual and thoughtful...