TALK: Awareness, Autonomy, and Authenticity: Language Learning from an Ecological Perspective
Leo Van Lier
TALK: Literary Texts in the Foreign Language Classroom
Lothar Bredella
TALK: Language and Myth, Then and Now: Ernst Cassirer’s Language and Myth and Merlin Donald’s Origins of the Modern MindDaniel Shanahan
COLLOQUIUM: Subjectivity, Discourse Practices, & 2nd Language Learning
Claire Kramsch (Respondent)
Linda Von Hoene: Subjects-in-process: Rethinking Foreign Language Study Through Psychoanalytic Theory and Feminist Theory
Bonny Norton Pierce: Reconceptualizing ‘The Individual’ in Second Language Acquisition Theory
Livia Polanyi: Social Categories and the Construction of the Foreign Language Learner
Meryl Siegal: Learning How to be the ‘Other’ (Gaijin): Discursive Practices and Second Language Learning in Japan
TALK: The Paradox of the Language Teacher: What do Language Teachers Teach?
James Gee
TALK: Language, Culture, and Self in Language Learning
Barbara C. Johnstone
PANEL: Digital Technologies and Foreign Language Pedagogy: New Tools and New Paradigms?
John Barson, Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, John Mugane, Steve Thorne, Mark Kaiser (Moderator)
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Francine A’Ness: Computer Technology & Second Language Acquisition: Preparing the Spanish and Portuguese Department for the 21st Century (Behind the Screens: Issues Concerning Cultural Representation via CD-ROM)
Julie Belz: Discourse Analysis at the Cultural Fault Line: Capitalizing on the Multilingual Reality of Language Study (Language Use as an Index of Self-in-Transition: Evidence from Multilingual Texts)
Kristin Kopp: Rewriting the German III Curriculum
Cecilia Chu: Completion of ‘Fan-jian – Chinese,' Character Conversion Training Program
Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl: Developing a New Language Curriculum in Afrikaans: Its History, Current Status and Future Role as a National Language in South Africa
PANEL: Rethinking the Nature and Structure of Foreign Language and Literature Departments
Russell Berman, Elizabeth Bernhardt, Ralph Hexter, Linda von Hoene, Mark Kaiser, Claire Kramsch, Jeffrey Riegel
TALK: Critical Language Testing and Beyond
Elana Shohamy
TALK: Demonstration of CD-ROMS for Language Learning
Elaine Leary
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Matt Erlin: Visual and Textual Literacy: Establishing a Structural Link between Visual and Textual Analysis
Edwige Gamache: Revision of Curriculum in French 3 & 4 (Second-Year French)
Jennifer Kapczynski: A Handbook on Performative Strategies in the Classroom
Lori Ultsch: Development of a Graded Reader (for the L2 Reader)
TALK: Two Languages Acquisition Theories: Krashen’s I+1 and Vygotsky’s ZPD Incommensurable Discourse, Incommensurable Theories
James Lantolf
COLLOQUIUM: Technology, Language and Literacy
Rick Kern, Donald McQuade, Richard Sterling (Respondents)
Richard Lanham: An Alphabet Which Thinks
Janet Murray: Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Shape of Narrative in Digital Media
TALK: Learning and Using Other Languages: SLA or Language Crossings?
Benjamin Rampton
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Francine A’Ness: We See the World by Authoring It-Teaching Culture Through Multimedia Design for the Spanish & Portuguese Department
Susan Martin: Improving Oral Proficiency in Spanish Language Classrooms Through the Use of Audio, Video, and Computer Technologies: A Proposal for Materials and Methodology Development
Ying Yang: Multimedia Exercises for First-Year Chinese Student-Using Computer Technology to Assist First-Year Students in the Acquisition of Chinese
Nadia Yaqub: Developing Web-based Tutorials for Teaching Media Arabic-Exploring the Process of Text Selection and Organization to Create Tutorials Using Interactive Technology
TALK: Writing for Publication
Sandra McKay
TALK: If Not Grammar, Then What?
Diane Musumeci
TALK: Folk Theories of Language Learning
Dennis Preston
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Irma Pena Gosalvez: Toward Developing a Curriculum for Heritage Students of Tagalog
Ann Marsh-Flores: More than Song & Dance: Exploring a Music-Based First Year Language Curriculum
Doug Moody: The Curtain Rises on Digital Theater: Rehearsing and Staging the First Act
Peter Spoerl: Vocabulary Acquisition and Semantic Field: Communicative Strategies for the Introduction of Culturally Specified Vocabulary in the Foreign Language
TALK: Growing Up Bilingual: Competence or Confusion
Fred Genesee
TALK: Intercultural Communication: Problem, Solution, New Problem
Ron Scollon
TALK: Putting Language Proficiency in its Place: The Status of Academic LanguageProficiency in the Education of Bilingual Students
Jim Cummins
TALK: Content-Based Instruction and Adult Instructed L2 Acquisition: A Curricular Perspective
Heidi Byrnes
TALK: Chaos/Complexity Theory and Language Acquisition Research: Transcending Differences
Diane Larsen-Freeman
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Nabil Abdelfattah: Developing Reading and Listening Strategies for Beginning and Intermediate Level Students of Arabic Using Interactive Multi-Media CD-ROM
Jeremy Chen: Chinese Characters On-line Learning Guide
Ann Marsh-Flores: Developing a Music-based 1st Year Language Curriculum: Exploring the Applicability of Rhythmic-based Texts in Russian
Doug Moody: Act Two: The Curtain Rises on Digital Theatre, but You Have to Download It First
Sabine Stoll: Teaching Russian Aspect: A Case of Grammatical Harassment?
1999 – 2000
TALK: Navigating the Academic Rapids: What I Wish I Had Known Back When
Nicolas Shumway
TALK: A Neurobiological Perspective on Variable Success in Second Language Acquisition
John Schumann
TALK: Error Gravity Research: Some Findings and a Critique
Benjamin Rifkin
TALK: Web-based Language Instruction: Enhanced Multi-media Learning Environment or Cognitive Overload?
Dorothy Chun
TALK: Linguistic Human Rights
Robert Phillipson
TALK: Critical Realism: An Emancipatory Social Philosophy for Studying LanguageDiversity
David Corson
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Mary Akatiff: What’s Going on in Their Heads? An Ethnography of Writers in Advanced Intermediate German Classes
John Becker: Issues in Computer Language Testing in the Classroom
Daniela Fritz: The Notion of Text and How to Teach It – A Methods Course for GSI’s Teaching 2nd and 3rd Year Foreign Language Classes
Ellen Langer: First-year Reading Materials for Students of Czech: Use of L2 Elementary School Textbooks for College Language Learners
TALK: Tacit Assumptions: Walls That Separate the Imagined Communities of Languages and Literacy Studies
Patricia Chaput
TALK: Planning Peace and Human Capital: Sri Lankan Language Policy
Joseph Lo Bianco
COLLOQUIUM: Language Socialization and Acquisition: Ecological Perspective an Interdisciplinary Research Workshop at Alumni House
Ann Bannick: Negotiating the Paradox of ‘Fresh Talk’ in Advanced L2 Classrooms
Christopher Candlin: The Classroom and the Housing Estate: Researching Identities, Discourses and Membership Among Teenage Youth in Hong Kong
James Lantolf: An Activity Theoretical Perspective on Classroom Motivation
Diane Larsen-Freemen: The Interconnection Between the Individual and the Social from a Chaos/Complexity Theory Perspective
Jonathan Leather: Modeling the Acquisition of Speech in a ‘Multilingual’ Society: An Ecological Approach
Jay Lemke: Learning Academic Language Identities: Multiple Timescales in the Social Ecology of Scientific Education
Elinor Ochs: Becoming a Speaker of Culture
Ben Rampton: Instructed Foreign Language Rituals In and Out of Class
Srikant Sarangi: Discourse (Mis)alignments in Professional Gatekeeping Encounters
Ron Scollon: Cross-cultural Learning and Other Catastrophes: Ruptures as Windows on the Social World
Jet Van Dam: The Case of Face: An Ecological Approach to Social Normatively in the Language Classroom
Leo Van Lier: An Ecological-semiotic Perspective on Language and Linguistics
TALK: Second Language Learners’ Perception of Feedback: Is All Feedback Created Equal?
Sue Gass
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Sakae Fujita: Mushfaking Theater: Teaching Foreign Language and Culture Through Improvisational Techniques
Kathryn Klar: Using Online Resources in the Welsh Language ClassroomSirpa Tuomainen: Sinulle On Postia! Using Global E-mailing to Enhance Students
Juliette Wade: Kinjo: Exploring the Potential of a Relationally Organized Simulation Environment for Japanese Language Instruction
2000 - 2001
TALK: Testing for Performance, Skill, and Knowledge in a Foreign Language: Finding the Balance
Judith Liskin-Gasparro
TALK: Literary Texts in the Foreign Language Classroom
Lothar Bredella
TALK: Collaborative Dialogue and Second Language Learning
Merrill Swain
TALK: Comprehensible Input: Still a Good Idea
Stephen Krashen
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Robert McFarland: ‘My Deutsche is Getting Deutsche-er All the Time’: Blurring the Borders of Input and Output in the Intermediate German Classroom
Tiffani Skogmo: Preparing for German III in German II
Kevin Wiliarty: Collective Category Negotiations and the Acquisition of German Directional Prepositions
TALK: Critical Applied Linguistics as Problematizing Practice
Alastair Pennycook
TALK: Changing Relationships Between Context and Communication from Pre-Language to Post-Language
Martha C. Pennington
TALK: Effects of Instruction in Second Language Acquisition
Catherine Doughty
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Lisa Little: Performance & Placement: Designing a Plan for Testing in the Undergraduate Russian Program
Beth Samuelson: Doing the Work an Academic Writer: Evaluating Writing in College-Prep English
Kevin Wiliarty: The Role of Idiomaticity in the Acquisition of German Directional Prepositions
Boris Wolfson: Formative Computer-based Testing in First-semester Russian: An Error Analysis
Nelleke Van Duesen: UC Survey of Heritage Languages
TALK: Literacy and Cognition
Mark Turner
TALK: Other-Repair in Oral Proficiency Interview: A Conversation-Analytic Perspective
Gabriele Kasper
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Sarah Roberts: Using Drama to Enhance Language Learning in Second-Year French
Karina Sliwinski: Researching the Role of Performance in the Teaching of Durrenmatt's 'Der Besuch derr alten Dame' in German 3
Amelia Barili: Teaching Grammar and Composition to Advance Spanish Students: A Method that Works
Josephine Kelso: Navigating Academic Discourse: Developing Interpretations of Texts
Lynne Frame: Writing Business German for Culture and Communication
TALK: Critical Discourse Analysis in Social Research
Norman Fairclough
Ray Clifford: Proficiency/ Performance/ Achievement Testing
June Phillips: OPI and the Foreign Language Standards
Ben Rifkin: The ACTFL OPI and Oral Proficiency Guidelines as a Framework for Curricular Planning: The Lesson; the Instructional Unit; the Semester; the Program
Rafael Salaberry: The Validation Process of the OPI: Ethical and Legal Considerations
Chantal Thompson: Introduction to the Oral Proficiency Interview
Leo van Lier: The OPI and Conversation: Where Are We Now?
TALK: From One Consortium to Another
Peter Patrikis
TALK: Representing Language Use for Foreign Language Learners: Contributions of the Native, the Near-native, and the Non-native
Carl Blyth
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
David Petterson: Expanding Extensive Reading in the French 2 Curriculum
David Wacks: L2 Production and Immersion Simulation Software: The Next (Proficiency-Based) Generation
Chantelle Warner: The Design and Implementation of Networked-Based Activities in the German 2 Classroom: A Pilot Project
TALK: Teaching the Commonly Taught Languages as Heritage Languages: Questions and Continuing Dilemmas
Guadalupe Valdes
TALK: Redefining the Teaching of Culture: the Pedagogy of Electronic Media
Gilberte Furstenberg
TALK: Image Banks and the Semantics of Contemporary Visual Communication
Theo Van Leeuwen
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Paige Daniel: Interactional Patterns in Web-based Writing of Foreign Language Students
Agnes Dimitriou: Evaluation of Student Foreign Language Performance Beforeand After Participating in the University’s Study Abroad Program
William Short: New Latin Methodology
Kristen Templeman: Conversational French Theater Workshop
Michael Chad Welllmon: Being in the World of Language: Rethinking Language through the Bildungstradition
TALK: Portrait of the Bilingual Child
Fred Genesee
TALK: Bilingualism, Emotions and Cognition
Aneta Pavlenko
TALK: How People Talk About Motion Events: Some Cognitive and Communicative Consequences of Linguistic Typology
Dan I. Slobin
COLLOQUIUM: Language, Identity and Change in the Modern Arab World: Implications for the Study of Language and Culture
Clive Holes: Social History, Political History, and Dialect Prestige in the Arab World: The Cases of Bahrain, Jordan and Iraq
Ibrahim Muhawi: Negotiating Diaspora: Translation and the Language of Exile
Mahmoud Al-Batal: Identity and Language Tension in Lebanon: The Arabic of Local News at LBC Television
Loukia Sarraoub: The Literacy Practices of Yemeni and Iraqi Youth: Life In and Out of School in Dearborn, MI and Lincoln, NE
Mushira Eid: Language, and Gender and Egyptian Cinema
John Hayes: Arabic and Evolving National Identities in the Middle East
Sonia S’hiri: Tunisian Arabic Speakers in the Periphery of Arab Identity? Native Speakers and Learners’ Linguistic Attitudes
Keith Walters: Ender Nationalism, and Language Ideology: The Tunisian Case
Michael Cooperson: Canon-bashing in Early Modern Rhetoric
TALK: Tearing US Apart Again: the Paradigm Wars and the Search for Validity
Tim McNamara
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Martin Lowry: A Spoonful of Films Makes the Literature Go Down:Supplementing French 3 Curriculum with Filmic Texts
Luh Hsyng Nelson: Chinese OPI Certification
Michael Chad Welllmon: Reclaiming a Metaphor: The Hermeneutics of Negotiation
TALK: What is Language as Knowledge?
Shirley Brice Heath
TALK: Teaching Endangered Languages
Leanne Hinton
TALK: Heritage Language Teaching, Foreign Language Teaching: What Each Can Learn from the Other
Kirk Belnap, Guadalupe Valdez
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Polina Barskova: Creative writing and Reading in Russian: Poetry in Focus
Sargam Shah: Realistic Language Training for Prospective GSIs: Improving Chances for Success
Rakhel Villamil-Acera: Teaching Literary Texts: From Spanish 4 to Spanish 25
Clare You: Introduction to Korean Short Stories – Fourth-Year Korean
PANEL: The Role of Translation in Language Study
Anna Livia Brawn: Naturalization of Estrangement: Options in Translation
Susan Kepner: Teaching Language Students to Translate Literature
Ibrahim Muhawi: Issues in Folkloristic Translation
Kay Richards: Translation: Transliteration to Biliteracy
Bac Tran: Enhancement of Sensitivity to Language through Translation: Something Gained
Winfried Kudszus (Moderator)
TALK: A Talk on Second Language Acquisition: What is Less Common about the Less Commonly taught Languages?
Claire Kramsch
TALK: Language Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Symposium
TALK: The Ethical as Transformative Lens in Instructed SLA Research
Lourdes Ortega
TALK: Towards an Ecology of Language
Mary Pratt
TALK: Designing and Reading Multimodal Texts: Modes, Media, Knowledge and Meaning
Gunther Kress
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Sarah Bailey: Yiddish Language Heritage and Teaching in the 21st Century
David Gramling: Translingual Practice: Teaching the Tropical Germany?
Stephanie Hom-Cary: A Language Flows through It(aly): Learning Italian,Multilingualism, and the Pursuit of Happiness
TALK: Insights into SLA from Less Familiar Settings
Leslie Moore
TALK: Heteroglossia in Foreign Language Classrooms: Research, Debates and Issues
Patricia A. Duff
PANEL: Gestures in Language Learning
Eve Sweetser: Gesture and Language: Reassessing Traditional Boundaries
Irene Mittelberg: Gesture as Meditational Practice: Embodied Cognition and Semiotic Acts in Language Teaching
Claire Kramsch (Moderator)
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Ellen Rosefield: University Classroom Language for IGSI’s
Lihua Zhang: Teaching Mandarin Chinese as a Second Dialect
Mark Nelson: Lost (and Found) in Transformation (and Transduction):Synaesthesia and Multimodal Text Creation
Victoria Somoff: Ünder the Textual Mask: Toward Alternative Strategies in Teaching Writing to Heritage Speakers
Renee Perelmutter: Web Logging to Enhance the Second Language Classroom
COLLOQUIUM: Teaching Foreign Languages in Multicultural Settings
Section I: Language and Language Learning in a Multilingual Perspective
Monica Heller: Who Gets to Define What Counts as Language? Ideology and Interest in Language Teaching
Robert Train: Ideologies and Realities of Language and Foreign Language Education in the U.S.: A Critical Perspective on Native Standard Language
Daniel Veronique: Transferability, Transfer and the Transferable: Aspects of the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Leo Van Lier: Self and Identity in Multilingual Settings: An Ecological-Semiotic Point of View
Section II: Multilingual Learning Environments
Dominique Charbonneau: Studying and Teaching French Literature in France and the U.S.Patchareerat Yanaprasart: Professional Mobility and the
Intercultural Speaker
Gudrun Ziegler: Categorization and Category Formation: A Basic Need in Language Learning Environments?
Anna Livia Brawn: The Return of Translation
Section III: Acquisition of Multiliteracies
Daniele Moore: Pluriliterate Practices and Literacy Development at Home and at School
Richard Kern: Multiliteracies and Foreign Language Learning
Guillaume Gentil: If Only Teachers of English and French Talked to Each Other: Bilingual Students’ Challenges in Developing Academic and Professional Biliteracy at the University
Edith Cognini: Co-constructed Language Biographies: English as a ‘Resource Language’ in the Learning of Italian as a L2
Nazamo Pierdominici: Self Representation and Sense of Belonging in Italy Today
Section IV: Teacher Development in Plurilingual Settings
Genevieve Zarate: From ‘One’ to Many: New Developments in the Training of Teachers of French as a Foreign Language within a European Framework
Aline Gohard-Radenkovic: The Different Levels of Plurilingualism and Principles for the Construction of a Plurilingual Didactics at the University Level
Francisco Alarcón: Teaching the Multilingual, Multicultural Student in California Schools
Thao Tran-Minh: The Notion of Syncretism: Identity and Language
Alastair Pennycook: Teaching with the Flow: Plurilingualism and Permeable Classrooms
TALK: Language Policy and the Ecological Turn
Alastair Pennycook
TALK: Fifty Probably True and Useful Findings from SLA
Richard Schmidt
TALK: Linguistic and Cultural Identity in Study Abroad
Richard Kern
TALK: At the Interface: Dynamic Interactions of Explicit and Implicit Language Knowledge
Nick Ellis
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Anna Livia: How Do You Teach Translation?
Jeremy Ecke: Grammatical Estrangement
Robert Schechtman: Whither ‘Communities’? An Appraisal of Foreign Language Education in Light of the National Standards
Natasha Azarian: A Case Study of a Multigenerational Ethnic Community: Implications for the Teaching of Less Commonly Taught Languages
TALK: Metaphors to Die For: Towards a Rhetoric of National Symbols
Michael Geisler
TALK: Ladies from the Philippines are More Compatible with American Gentlemen than American Women: The Linguistic Construction of Identities on Mail Order-bride- Websites
Ingrid Piller
COLLOQUIUM National Colloquium on U.S. Language Educational Policy|
Policies and Practices in Foreign Language Education: Robert Blake, M.R.C. Greenwood, George Breslauer, Sally Magnan, Terrence Wiley, June Philips, Peter Patrikis, Kees de Bot, Rick Donato, Mahmoud Al-Battal, Donna Christian, Olga Kagan
Language Education and the National Interests: Janis Jensen, Dan Davidson, Tim McNamara, Elaine Tennant, Duarte Silva, Richard Brecht, Jayne Abrate, Mary-Lousie Pratt, Roger Allen, Neil Granoien, Claire Kramsch, Richard Schmidt
PANEL: Grammar and Politics in the Language Classroom
Sonia S’hiri (Moderator), Sarah Roberts, Hatem Bazian, Jaleh Pirnazar, Sam Mchombo, Yoko Hasegawa
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Nikolaus Euba: Why Teach and Learn German in 2005? Articulating the GermanLanguage Program at UC Berkeley
Olya Gurevich: Interactive Web-based Tools for Learning Georgian
David Malinowski: Interpreting the Korean English Linguistic Landscape
Sarah Roberts: Flaneur de Paris: An Interactive Learning Environment for French Conversation]
TALK: At the Intersection of Internet-mediated Foreign Language Education and Learner Corpus Analysis
Julie Belz
TALK: Linguistic Human Rights – Some Recent Debates: Intellectual Games Versus Respect
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas
WORKSHOP: What Do We Know About (Literature) Reading Proficiency in a Second Languages
Lecture: Foreign Languages Surviving and Thriving in Conventional University Settings
Elizabeth Bernhardt
WORKSHOP: Data-driven Approaches to Second Language Assessment, Pedagogy, and Research
Lecture: Corpus Linguistics and Language Development: Research, Assessment and Pedagogical Innovation
Steven Thorne
TALK: The K-16 Chinese Flagship Program: A Model for the Future
Madeline Spring
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Wakae Kambara: A Supplementary Reading Course in Japanese
Eugenia Teytelman: Unveiling the Magic of Fairy Tales
David Divita: Toward Practice of Reflexivity: Accounting for the Self in Foreign Language Learning
Katra Anne Byram: History, Perspective and Focus on Form: Strengthening Learner Literacy in Berkeley’s German 3 Program
Pablo Baler: Un Dia en la Vida: A Documentary Production Activity as a Form of Language and Culture Acquisition
2006 – 2007
TALK: Language, Feeling and the Brain: A Pribram-Based Model
Daniel Shanahan
TALK: Some Thoughts on the Cultural Permutations of Literacy in Language Teaching
Janet Swaffer
TALK: Joint Commitment and Common Ground in a Maya Ritual Event
William Hanks
PANEL: Claire Kramsch and the BLC: Her Legacy to Berkeley Language Lecturers
Lisa Little (Moderator), Karen Moller, Nikolaus Euba, Rutie Adler, Lihua Zhang, Seda Chavdarian
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Agnes Mazur: The High Stakes of Creativity: Multilingual Students and the Modeling of Academic Writing in California High Schools
Stilian Milkova: Creative and Communicative Materials for Bulgarian Instruction
Elena Morabito: Uncertain Linguistic Borders: The Pedagogy of Bosnia in the Post-Yugoslav World
Li Liu: Grammar and Authenticity: Teaching Grammar in Context to First Year Mandarin Heritage Students
TALK: Learning, Change, and Power: Competing Frames of Technology and Literacy
Mark Warschauer
TALK: From National Educational Standards to Language Use
Sally Magnan
TALK: Too Much and Not Enough Identity: Constituting English in Asian Language Policy Circles
Joe LoBianco
TALK: Iconic Creativity in Haiku: A Linguistic Analysis of Basho’s Revisions
Masako Hiraga
TALK: Language Policy in Multilingual Israel: Ideologies, Conflicts, Rights and Research
Elana Shohamy
FELLOWS FORFUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Noriko K. Wallace: Culture Course for Advanced Modern Japanese
Lihua Zhang: Research on Integrating Chinese Culture in Chinese Language Teaching
Anne E. Dwyer: Narrowing the Gap between UCB and EAP: Bringing Lectures from Moscow into the Berkeley Intermediate Russian Classroom
Laura Mieka Erley: Petersburg Online
Michael Huffmaster: The Uses of Poetry in Second-Year German
2007 – 2008
TALK: Language Ecology in Practice, Implications for Foreign Language Education
Claire Kramsch
TALK: Using Assessment for Understanding and Improving Language Education
John Norris
PANEL: Nikolaus Euba: Assessment and Articulation through Language Portfolios
Sirpa Tuomainen: Authentic Assessment – an Alternative or an Addition?
Sarah Roberts: An Alternative to Traditional Peer Editing
Marilyn Seid-Rabinow: Insights Gained from Oral English Proficiency Testing
Mark Kaiser, Lisa Little: Computer-based Chapter Tests: A Formative Approach
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Clelia Donovan: Reevaluating and Restructuring the Portuguese Language Curriculum
Mirando Kentfield: Responding to Characters: A Study of French Learners’ Interpretive Skills and Affective Responses to Literature
Robert Adler-Peckerar: Cultural and Communicative Competence in Yiddish: Strategies for Teaching a Non-territorial Language
Lyn Scott: Education: Designing Instruction for English Learners from an Ecological Perspective of Language Learning
TALK: Pedagogical Workshop on Literacy-based Language Teaching
Richard Kern
TALK: Meaning and Feeling: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Affect
Jay Lemke
TALK: The script Encoding Initiative and Language Teaching and Scholarship for Minority and Historic Languages on the Web
Deborah Anderson
TALK: The Question of Competences in Language Socialization Research: An Analysis of Rehearsals in Children’s Religious and Ritual Practice
Patricia Baquedano-Lopez
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Amelia Barili: Learning to Learn: Neurobiology and Cognitive Science as a Basis of Autonomous Learning Principles and Applications
Jennifer Gipson: Innovating Tradition: Folklore, Literature, and Translingual and Transcultural Competence
Julia McAnallen: Reconciling with the Unavoidable: Assessing the Impact of Advertising on the Russian Language
2008 – 2009
TALK: Introducing the BLC’s Library of Foreign Language Film Clips: Modeling Language and Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom
Mark Kaiser
TALK: A Brief History of the Universe of Foreign Language Education: or, Dirty Little Secrets
Peter Patrikis
TALK: American Students Abroad: Negotiation or Difference?
Celeste Kinginger
PANEL: Digital Storytelling
Joe Lambert, Mark Evan Nelson
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Desiree Pries: Translingual/Transcultural Competence: An Operational Approach to the MLA report
Jillian Porter: Filmmaking and Foreign Language Instruction
Jason Vivrette: Crossing the Bridge: Shifting Perspectives on and in First-Year Turkish through Film
TALK: Introducing the BLC’s Library of Foreign Language Film Clips: Modeling Language and Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom
Mark Kaiser
TALK: When is West? Talking and Thinking about Time and Space
Alice Gaby
TALK: Everybody’s Usage: The Politics of Grammar in the Hispanofonia
Jose del Valle
TALK: New Perspectives on Study Abroad Research: Goals, Variables, and Methods
James Coleman
TALK: Hillbilly Spanish and Tarzan English: Ideologies of Mexican Immigrant Language
Stanton Wortham
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Kristin Dickinson: Literacy in First-Year Turkish: A Multi-Voiced Approach
Adam Mendelson: Online Communication in Beginning Spanish Instruction
Junghee Park: ‘Reading’ TV: Graphic Overtitles in Korean TV Shows
WORKSHOP: Teaching Language and Culture with Film
Marilyn Fabe: The Language of Film
Mark Kaiser: Teaching with Film Clips
Anne-Christine Rice: Implementing a Curriculum Built Around Film
Sabine Levet: Cross-Cultural Comparison through Film
Rick Kern: Making Connections between Film and Literacy
Thomas J. Garza: Film as (Con)Text: Using Visual Media in Russian Language and Culture Classes
2009 – 2010
TALK: Introducing the BLC’s Library of Foreign Language Film Clips: Modeling Language and Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom
Mark Kaiser
PANEL: Tricky Points – Creative Solutions
Santoukht Mikaelian, Malgosia Szudelski, Karma Ngodup
TALK: From Texting to Tweeting: The Brave New World of Internet Linguistics
David Crystal
TALK: Language, Tourism and Banal Globalization
Crispin Thurlow
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Galen Sibanda: Teaching Zulu Language and Culture Through Film
Jessica Rasheeda Williams: Facebook and Creating Community for Beginning to Intermediate Italian Language Learners
Heather McMichael: Laboratorio en Movimiento: Using Blogs to Teach Spanish 4
TALK: Introducing the BLC’s Library of Foreign Language Film Clips: Modeling Language and Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom
Mark Kaiser
TALK: Communicating Grammatically: Evaluating a Learner Strategies Website for Spanish Grammar
Andrew Cohen
TALK: The Representation of Language in the Earliest Writing Systems
Jerrold Cooper
TALK: How the Languages We Speak Shape the Ways We Think
Lera Boroditsky
FELLOWS FORUM: Instructional Development Research Projects
Anna Maria Bellezza: Teaching Italian through Theatre: A Performative Approach
Minsook Kim: Developing a Curriculum for Korean Heritage Language Learners through Individualized, Learner-oriented Multimedia Projects
Usree Bhattacharya: New Direction: Blogging in SL/FL Classrooms
Jason Vivrette: Cultivating Awareness: Register and Context in First-Year Arabic
JunWorkshop: Clipping the Curriculum: Integrating Clips into the Foreign Language
Mark Kaiser: Language Learning & Teaching
2010 – 2011
Sept Talk: Introducing the BLC’s Library of Foreign Language Film Clips: Modeling
Language and Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom
Mark Kaiser
Sept Talk: Teaching without Books or Photocopies
Deborah Brooks
Oct Talk: Pesky Pronouns and Pusillanimous Publishers: Some Reflections on the Practice
and Business of Literary Translation
David Dollenmayer
Nov Talk: The Ecology of the Foreign-Language Literature Classroom: Complexity theory as
a Model for Pedagogy
Glenn Levine
Dec Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Hephzibah Sunkari: Curriculum Model Development for 1st Year Telugu
William Allen Heidenfeld: A Genre-Based Approach to the Writing Process
Traci Speed Lindsey: Utilization Bulgarian Audio and Video Media in the 1st
Year Classroom
Feb Talk: Language Development in an Urban Migrant Community: Turkish/German/English
of Children and Adolescents in Berlin
Carol Pfaff
Feb Talk: Teaching Pragmatics in the L2 Classroom
Andrew Cohen
Mar Talk: What Makes an Ideal Hybrid Language Learner
Robert Blake
Apr Talk: Arabic: A More Commonly Taught Less Commonly
Roger Allen
Apr Talk: New Media and Literacy in Transnational Environments
Eva Lam
May Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Mara Mauri Jacobsen: Language and Culture in Documentaries by Italian Women
Lucas Straton: Russian Phonetics: Sound and Meaning in Russian Avant-Garde
Wakae Kambara: Teaching Japanese Pragmatic Competence using Film Clips
Sept Colloquium: History and Memory in Foreign Language Study
James Wertsch: Texts of Memory and Texts of History
Williams Hanks: Linguistic Conversion and the Making of Colonial Yucatec Maya
Yuri Slezkine: The Joys and Challenges of Teaching “One’s Own” History
Ryuko Kubota: Memories of War: Critical Content-based Instruction (CBI) in
Japanese via Exploring Victim-Offender Perspectives
Glenn Levine: The Study of Second Language Literary Texts at the Nexus of
Multiple Histories
Lihua Zhang, Jaleh Pirnazar, Niko Euba (Respondents)
Sept Talk: Identifying with Language
Barbara Johnstone
Oct Colloquium: Moving Between Languages: Research Perspectives
Claire Kramsch (Opening remarks)
Elizabeth Boner: Negotiating Relationship through Translation: How America
Development Practitioners and Tanzanian Beneficiaries Exploit the Gap
between Languages
Tim Wolcott: American in Paris: Myth, Desire, and Subjectivity in Student
Accounts of Study Abroad in France
David Malinowski: How Do you Move Between Languages When You’ve Got
Nobody? Lessons from Online French Lessons at Berkeley
Oct Talk: Rethinking Prescriptivism
Douglas Kibbee
Nov Talk: Building a 10,000 Year Archive of All Human Languages
Laura Welcher
Dec Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Letizia Allais: Third Place in the French Classroom: A Separate Space for a New
Sirpa Tuomainen: Every Object Tells a Story: Searching for Finnishness among
Bay Area Finns
Rosaria Carbotti: Resistere!: Film Language and Political Discourse in
Contemporary Italy
Maya Smith: Teaching Intertextuality and Recontextualization through Music
Feb Talk: Language in Film and the Language of Film: Two Semiotic Systems Engaged
Mark Kaiser, Rosella Carbotti
Mar Talk: The Place of Translation in Higher Education
Mairi McLaughlin
Apr Talk: Teaching as a Subversive Activity—Revisited
H. Douglas Brown
May Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Letizia Allais: Third Place in the French Classroom: A Separate Space for a New
Daniel Aaron Brooks: Language and History through Silent Film in the Foreign
Language Classroom
Jonatan Haddad: The Parrot’s Two Feet: Teaching French in Contact with Arabic
Jennifer Johnson: Re-articulating Culture in a Place In-between: Exploring the
Multimodal Experiences of Hearing Mothers of Deaf Children
Sept Talk: Where is the Language Classroom Today?: Reconsidering the Place/s of Language
Learning with Technology
David Malinowski
Oct Talk: Enhancing Human Capital? Language and the Neoliberal University
Marnie Holborow
Oct Panel: Exploring Service Learning in Foreign Language Teaching
Victoria Robinson, Suzan Akin (Intro)
Josef Hellebrandt: Service-Learning in German: A Win-Win for Students and
Community Participants
Amelia Barili: Building Nurturing Communities: Service Learning in Spanish
Language and Culture Courses
Suwako Watanabe: Japanese/Chinese Community-based Learning Course at PSU
Nov Talk: Language Teaching and SLA: Understanding the Limits and Possibilities of the
Research-teaching Interface
Lourdes Ortega
NovFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Ellen Langer: Teaching Czech Language through Cultural Media: Creating a
Course Curriculum
Juan Caballero: Integrating Film as Language, as Culture, as a Medium and as
Discourse Genre across a Foreign-Language Writing Curriculum Marco Purpura: The World in an Ad: Learning Italian through TV Commercials
Mar Talk: The Language of Neoliberalism: Metaphors and Ideology
Marnie Holborow
Apr Talk: Languaging and Linguistic Exostructures: Aligning Cultural-historical, Ecological,
and Distributed Approaches to L2 Development
Steve Thorne
MayFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Corey Bynes: Putting the Literary Back in Literary Chinese: Incorporating
Analysis and Interpretation into Literary Chinese Pedagogy
Erin Coyne: Ethnic Minorities of the Russian Federation: How Diversity has
Shaped Russophone CultureJaran Shin: History and Memory: Teaching History in the English Language
Development Classroom
Maria Vendetti: Non-Hexagonal Francophone Culture: Rethinking Transcultural
Competencies in the French Language Classroom
Sept Talk: Voices and Agencies: Discursive Foundations for Socialization in Heritage
Language Speaking Households
Agnes He
Oct Talk: Piecemeal But Promising: Technology Integration in Secondary Language
Paige Ware
Nov Talk: Hyperpolyglottery as an Emerging Multilingualism
Michael Erard
Dec Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Katya Balter: Have you Heard that One About…?: Russian Language and
Culture through the Anekdot
Cammeron Girvin: Uniting the BCS Classroom with Folkloric Language
Marco Prina: Interweaving Italian Language and Culture through Historically
Distant Memories
Chen-hui Tsai: UCB Online Chinese Placement Test: Improvements,
Implementations and Impediments
Jan Talk: Teaching Romance Languages Through Intercomprehension: Networking Hearts
and Minds in the Language Classroom
Clorinda Donato
FebColloquium: The Legitimacy Gap: Multilingual / Multicultural Language Teachers in
Monolingual Foreign Language Departments
Claire Kramch: The Legitimacy Gap: Native Language Teachers in an Era of
Camilla Zamboni: The Importance of BridgingInez Hollander: In the Dutch Mountains: Pedagogical Ironies when Teaching
Dutch on an American University campus
Byron Barahona: Self-censorship in Teaching Languages
Santoukht Mikaelin: A Biographical Testimony on my Experience Teaching my
Native Language and Culture at an American UniversityShulian Hsu: Teaching Culture in my Chinese Language Class
Edwin Okong’o: Challenges of Teaching African Languages in the United States
Florence Miquel: Culture and Morals: The Issue of Self-censorship in a French
Language CourseJanh Tran: The Language of Silent Objects: From Antique Collection to Language
Mar Talk: Linguistic Landscape: A Tool for Documenting, Analyzing and Contesting Societies
and their Complexities
Elana Shohamy
Apr Talk: Multiannual Inequality: What Narratives Reveal about Social Segmentation and
Academic Success in two European Crossroads of Migration
Katharina Brizic
MayFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Kimberly Vinall: Got Llorona?: Reflections on the Potential to Develop Learners’
Symbolic Competence in the Language and Culture Classroom
Erik Born: Digital Textbooks: Emerging trends and practicesYasuko Konno Baker, Noriko Komatsu Wallace: Developing an Online Placement
Test for the UCB Japanese Program
Sept Talk: Digital Social Reading: Textual Interpretation as Collaborative Activity
Carl Blyth
Oct Talk: Linguistic Contributions to Native California Language Teaching
Andrew Garrett
Nov Talk: Teaching World Languages in the High School Context: Realities, Challenges and
Don Doehla, Nancy Salsig
DecFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Donna Southard: Memoria Historica: A Film Module for Intermediate Spanish
Sherry Hicks: ASL Pedagogy: A Further Exploration of Deaf Culture Within the
ASL Curriculum
Marina Romani: Italian in Performance: Opera as a Holistic Framework for
Language Pedagogy
Jan Talk: Speech and Thought Presentation in French
Sophie Marnette
Feb Principles and Practices of Translation and Interpretation in the Multilingual European
Javier Hernandez Saseta: The Interpretation Service: Mission and working
methods. The work of the interpretersDirk Stockmans: The Translation Service: Mission and working methods. The
work of translators
Javier Hernandez Saseta, Alexander Drechsel: Overview of multilingual support
tools for Interpreters
Dirk Stockmans: Overview of multilingual support tools for Interpreters
Mar Talk: The Multilingual/Multicultural Challenge in Language Education
Nathalie Auger
Apr ClaireFest!: A Tribute to the Scholarship, Teaching, and Mentorship of Professor Claire
Dorothy Chun: Developing Language Teachers’ Symbolic Competence
Chantelle Warner: Whose Game are We Playing? Foreign Language Literacy
Steve Thorne: The Ecology of L2 Development in Quotidian Mobile Technology
Michelle Baptiste: What it Means to (Be)come American: An Analysis of English
Writing Test for Naturalization Applicants
Glenn Levine, Alison Phipps: Communicative Language Teaching and Language
under Duress: Global Contexts for Language Pedagogy
Jennifer Johnson: The Multilingual as Multimodal
Robert Train: ‘Leave Behind the Naive Paradise…’: Multilingual Historical
Bodies of the Non-native Speaker
Meg Gebhard: Language, Power, and the Development of Disciplinary Textual
Nelleke Van Deusen: Heritage Learning in a Distance Environment: Creating a
Community of Practice
MayFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Yasuko Baker, Noriko Wallace: Developing an Online Placement Test (OPT)
for the Japanese
Karen Moller: Teaching Cultural Literacy Through Visual Art
Chloe Kitzinger: Intermediate Russian Through History and Literature
Margot Szarke: Thinking-Writing
May Workshop: Linguistic Landscape 7 Questioning Boundaries, Opening Spaces Advancing
New Topics, Methods and Applications
Patricia Baquedano-Lopez, Claire Kramsch (Welcome)
Leanne Hinton, Susan Moffat, Patricia Baquedano-Lopez, Claire Kramsch (Plenary)
Questioning Borders in the LL
Francesco Screti: (Re)writing Galicia: Boundaries in Imagined Spaces
Jeffrey Kallen: Different Borders, Different Landscapes and the Irish
Political Border
DominikGerst, Maria Klessmann, Korsun: Multilingualism and Linguistic
Demarcations in Border Regions: The ‘Linguistic borderscape’ of
the German-Polish Twin cities Frankfurt (Oder)-Slubice
Foundational questions, new directions: Language vitality in multilingual settings
Shereen Bhalla, Terrence Wiley: Linguistic Landscape and language
vitality: Investigating the Hindi communities in Northern Virginia
LiLiu, Terrence Wiley: Linguistic Landscape and language vitality: The
case of Chinese communities in southern Maryland
Peter De Costa, Hima Rawal: Landscaping a Midwestern Nepalese
linguistic community from the inside
Expanding Methodologies in LL Studies
Monica Barni, Carla Bagna, Sabrina Machetti: Historical and synchronic
dimensions of LL in Italy: What methodologies are appropriate?
Susan Price: One size fits all?: Method and madness in the LL
William Amos: Living, working, belonging in the imagined ethnic
zone: The linguistic landscape of Chinatown in Liverpool, UK
Then, now, and then: LL analyses across time
Robert Blackwood: Diachronic change in the contemporary LL: A return
to Rennes and Perpignan
Hirut Woldemariam: Linguistic landscape as a standing historical
testimony: The case of Ethiopia
Mieke Vandenbroucke: Displacing gentrification: A diachronic case-study
of language and multilingualism in Brussels’ Quartier Dansaert
Ideology and agency in multilingual schoolscapes
Steve Przymus: A Tale of Two Tuscons: The language of street signs and
classroom instruction
Tamás Péter Szabo, Petteri Laihonen: Where agency takes place:
Schoolscapes in Finland and in Hungary
Anne Golden, Elizabeth Lanza: Linguistic Landscape in a Norwegian
Multilingual classroom of 2014/2014
Hearing the unspoken, seeing the unseen in the LL
David Karlander: Road signs revisited: Looking beyond inscription
Kimi Hanauer, David Ian Hanauer, Lee Heinemann: Experiencing the
Alloverstreet event: Arts-based research on participatory linguistic
Jackie Jia Lou, Chun Kwok Wong, Hin Yan Wong: Imagining place
through linguistic landscape: Silent signs of resistance in Nga Tsin Wai Village, Hong Kong
Linguistic landscape and propaganda
Cammeron Girvin: Eastern-bloc propaganda signs and the problem of
Anastassia Zabrodskaja: Kalevipoeg and Emelja on signs:
Questioning cultural borders in Estonia
Elana Shohamy, Shoshana Waksman: Introducing a new municipal LL
system in tourist areas of Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Activating meaning-making in the LL: Literary and language learning
Cassie Leymarie: Language, literacy, and refugee resettlement
Olga Bever, Diane Richardson: Defining linguistic landscapes as a
tool for languages and literacy education
David Malinowski: Juxtaposing spaces: A postmodern approach to
language learning in the linguistic landscape
Diversity or segregation?: Seeing plural identities in the LL
Erozan, Hidiroglu: Linguistic landscape trip to Pyla
Deborah Dubiner: On identity and the LL of a Druze town in Israel
History and memorialization in linguistic landscape studies
Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Miriam Ben-Rafael: LL as symbolic construction of
the public space: Memorial in the Bavarian Quarter
Elizabeth Lanza, Unn Royneland: Memorials, multilingualism, and
multiculturalism in Norway
Yael Guilat, Espinosa-Ramirez: The Historical Memory Law and its role
in the redesign of the semiotic cityscapes in Spain: The Granada
case study
Reimagining Linguistic Landscape, from the ground up
Diarmait Mac Giolla Chriost: ‘Mind the gap’ - The linguistic landscape,
the semiotic landscape and language display: Aims, methods and
Anna Danielewicz-Betz: Situational and temporal emplacement of signs in
(global) language landscapes
Sune Vork Steffensen: Linguistic landscapes as ecological niches: A
conceptual and methodological reconceptualization of LLS
Online Linguistic Landscapes
Esther Ni Dhonnacha, Karen Wade, Jeffrey Kallen: Online linguistic
landscapes: Discourse, globalization, and enregisterment
Rachel Burdin: Exploring the (virtual) linguistic landscape of Kazimierz
Robert Troyer: Online sites of engagement: A justification of webspaces as
linguistic landscapes
Languages across spaces: Multiple si(gh)tings in LL research
MatthiasWolny: Differentiation of the urban space: Linguistic diversity in
the linguistic landscape of Venice
Jhonni Rochelle Charisse Carr: Comparing Koreatowns: The linguistic
landscape of the K-Towns of Los Angeles & Mexico City
Maimu Berezkina: Multilingualism in progress?: A diachronic study of
language policy in the virtual public space
Consuming signs and objects
Mairi McLaughlin: Orienting the linguistic landscape: Ramadan
advertising in Dakar
Adam Jaworski: Language objects, art and consumer culture
Gilles Baro: Chronoscape of inner-city Johannesburg: A semiotic
landscape analysis of post-apartheid urban development
Judging and contesting diversity in/through the LL
Maria Dimitrova Stoicheva: City multilingualism: Between bonds and
Greg Niedt: New neighbors: The evolution of attitudes towards a changing
linguistic landscape in Philadelphia
Elwira Sobkowiak: Multilingual signs and endangered language
revitalization efforts. Presence of written language in public
spaces and language attitudes. Case of Nahuatl in Mexico
Roundtable: Reflections on Practice
LeeAbraham: Integrating the Linguistic Landscape in
Technology-mediated Environments for Language Learning and
JessicaAdams, Emily Linares: Questioning Boundaries: Towards a
Unified Framework of ‘(virtual) Linguistic Landscapes’
Will Amos: Quantitative 2.0: Re-evaluation g the worth of empirical sign
counts and introducing the ‘big data’ corpus
Robert Blackwood: Multilingualism and memorialization: starting the
Louisa Buckingham: Linguistic landscapes and methodological
issues/political activism
JenniferBurton, Clark: English as a street language: Teaching ESL with
the linguistic landscape
Laura Callahan: Spanish in the linguistic landscape of museums in
California and New York: A resource for heritage language
learners and students of translation
Jhonni Rochelle Charisse Carr: Reflecting on Koreatowns: The Linguistic
Landscape of the K-Towns of Los Angeles & Mexico City
Bumyong Choi, Hakyoon Lee: ‘Seoul Korea, Mexico City, and Takorea.’
Geolocation Linguistic Landscape Project in University Korean
Language Classes
Deborah Dubiner: The challenging task of interviewing shop owners
Cammeron Girvin: Toward an ethical treatment of history in the LL:
‘Post-memory’ narratives in a southern American town
Hammons: How Does Berkeley Mean
Asako Hayashi-Takakura: A sample of teaching Chinese characters (kanji)
with linguistic landscape for heritage language learners of
LourdesHernández-Martin: In a certain place in London. Cityscape in
Jeffrey Kallen, Deirdre Dunlevy, Olga Balaeva: Contextualising units in
the Linguistic Landscape - How should data be framed?
DavidKarlander: Mobility, emptiness, and the meaning of absence:
integrating semiotic ‘blank spots’ in the LL Framework
Genevieve Leung, Jackie Knitter: Art and linguistic landscapes: A look at
the Chinatowns of San Francisco and Washington D.C.
Li Liu, Terrence Wiley: Using LL Analysis to Enhance Student Learning:
Examples from China
Kate Lyons: Quantifying the Linguistic Landscape - Reflections on
Inferential Analyses
Hiram Maxim: Raising methodological awareness among study abroad
participants: Reflections from a student-driven linguistic
landscape research project
Susan Price: Out With the Old, In With the New?: Not So Fast!
Elyse Ritchey: The history of street names in southern France
Barbara Soukup: The role of the ‘recipient’ in LL research: Notes from the
project ‘English in the linguistic landscape of Vienna, Austria’
Hirut Woldemariam: Methodological challenges in conducting LL
Anastassia Zabrodskaja: Language representation on a sign
Reading the past on the streets today: History, heritage, archive
Rolf Kailuweit: A historical linguistic landscape - Barcelona (1836-38):
Much ado about the use of Catalan in public space
Elyse Ritchey: Caught between heritage and utility: Bilingual
French-Occitan street names
Robert Train: Connecting visual presents to archival pasts in multilingual
California: Towards historical depth in linguistic landscape
Protest and transformation
Aaron Lee Anfinson: The writing on the wall: The Umbrella Movement,
language, and revolution
Rani Rubdy: A multimodal analysis of the graffiti commemorating the
26/11 Mumbai terror attacks: Constructing self-understandings of
a senseless violence
Melissa Curtin: The semiotic landscape of Taiwan’s ‘Sunflower student
movement’: Examining the transbordering dynamics of situated
linguistic landscaping
Visibility and readership in new spaces
Barbara Soukup: English in the linguistic landscape of Vienna, Austria
(ELLVIA): Outline and rationale of a new project
KarstenLegère: SUV spare tire covers and Swahili in Dar es Salaam,
Landscapes of the flesh, body, and self
Linnea Hannell: Navigating the linguistic landscape: On the discursive
encounters of a new parent
Doris Correa, Elana Shohamy, Camilo Dominguez: Expanding the
research on commodification of women’s bodies: Internet sites as
modes of delivery to local and transnational audiences
Struggles of gentrification, citizenship and representation in the LL
E. Dimitris Kitis: Imagining Johannesburg: Mapping placenames and
their collocates from a newspaper corpus
Stefania Tufi: Linguistic landscapes of urban Italy and the citizenship of
the everyday
Kate Alexandra Lyons: Signs of the times: Modeling the landscape of
Sept Panel: Forming Global Citizens: Volunteering Locally and Abroad
Richard Feldman, Maria Luisa Parra, Amelia Barili
Oct Panel: Why Less-Commonly-Taught Languages are so Important
Mary Steiner, Joi Barrios, Kathryn Klar, Upkar Ubhi
Nov Workshop: Symbolic Competence: Exploring Ways of Putting the Concept into Practice
Claire Kramsch, Anne Whiteside
DecFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Linda Louie: Beyond Grammar: Revisiting Translation in the Foreign Language
ClassroomEmily Hellmich: Surveys in Language Teaching and Research: A Personal and
Professional Journey
Irina Kogel: Teaching Russian Cultural Competence and Listening
Comprehension through Video Interviews
Feb Workshop: Performative Competence in Language Teaching: A Practical Workshop
Nikolaus Euba, Anna Maria Bellezza
Mar Talk: Developing Symbolic Competence in Modern Language Classrooms: Expanding
Meaning-Making Potentials
Erin Kearney
Apr Talk: Technologies and Literacies in Language Education: Looking BeyondCommunicative Competence
Richard Kern
AprFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Keith Budner: Graphic Novels in Foreign Language Learning
Lily Scott: Learning through Art and Visual culture
Jennifer Mackenzie: ‘Italian by Design: A Bridge’ Course
Aug Talk: The Aesthetic Experience in Process Drama in Second Language Learning: Voice,
Identity and Intercultural Awareness
Erika Piazzoli
Sept Talk: Trends in Language Enrollment/Trendy Languages
Dennis Looney
Oct Talk: Compelling Reading and Problem-Solving: The Easy Way (and the Only Way) to
High Levels of Languages, Literacy and Life Competence
Stephen Krashen
Nov Talk: Linguistic Landscape: A Tool for Critical Interpretations of Societies is Moving to
the Classroom
Elana Shohamy
DecFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Giuliana Perco (Lecturer): Blended Learning, Anyone? A path to Designing a
Hybrid Language Course
Aubrey Gabel: FrancoForniens: Bringing Oral History into the French-Language
Matthew Kendall: Teaching Verbs of Motion through Film in the Intermediate
Russian Classroom
Feb Talk: On dwelling in the Linguancene: From Hypomnesic Monolingualism to
Reactionary Multilingualism
David Gramling
Mar Talk: Displacement and the Lived Experience of Language, Testimonies from Children
with Migration Backgrounds in an Austrian School
Brigitta Busch
Apr Talk: Translation as Communication across Languages and Cultures
Juliane House
May Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Ellen Langer: Harnessing the Power of Electronic Media: Incorporating Film in
the Introductory Czech Curriculum
Jann Ronis: Adding a Robust Cultural Component in Elementary Tibetan
Kathryn Levine: Medieval French in the Modern French Classroom
Christina Schwartz: Developing Cultural Literacy through Social Media in the
Russian Language Classroom
Sept Talk: Learning Spaces: An Introduction to performative pedagogy
Susanne Even
Oct Talk: Foreign Languages Literacy: Affect, Aesthetics and Ethics
Chantelle Warner
Nov Talk: Post-Industrial Language Socialization
Elinor Ochs
Dec Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Antje Postema: Cultural Memory in Focus: Designing a Travel? Study Program
for the Former Yugoslavia
Elyse Ritchey: Teaching French Listening Comprehension and Cultural
Awareness through Regional Variation
Peng Yin: From Communities of Practice to the Emergence of Thirdness: Voices,
Identities, and Subject Positions of Chinese International Students in the
Feb Panel: Panel on Innovative Uses of Media in Language Teaching
David Kyeu, Margot Szarke, Lihua Zhang
Mar Talk: Genre Awareness and Analysis: A Strategic Tool for Language Learning
Greta Vollmer
Apr Talk: Mobile Lenses on Learning
Mark Pegrum
May Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Denis Ekici: Developing Curricular Materials for Kurdish Language Instruction
Eva Szorke: Highly Varied Proficiency Levels in the Same Classroom —
Differentiated Instruction as a Means of Effective Language Teaching
Erica Weems: Developing Interpretive Insight `through Reframing Texts
Sept Talk: Film in the Language Classroom: A Multiliteracies Approach, and Beyond
Mark Kaiser
Oct Talk: Teaching a Spanish Literature Course Online: A Skeptic’s Experience
Mary Quinn
Nov Talk: Critical Language Pedagogy: Teaching about Dialect Variation, Identity and
Amanda Godley
Nov Fellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Minsook Kim: From a Face-to-Face to Hybrid Intermediate Korean Course
Julia Nee: Zapotec Language Revitalization: What Can be Accomplished with a
Two-week Summer School?
Vesna Rodic: Towards the Greening of the L2 Classroom: An Example from
Feb Talk: Experiencing Language, Language Education and Social Justice in Times of
Violence and Resistance
Robert Train
Mar Talk: The Multiliteracies Framework and Interpretive Communication: Curricular and
Instructional Perspectives
Kate Paesani
Apr Talk: Language as Symbolic Power: What’s In It for Foreign Language Teachers?
Claire Kramsch
MayFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Amelia Barili: Building Bridges Across Cultures: Intercultural Service Learning
Junghee Park: Developing a Hybrid Intermediate Korean Language Course:
Goals, Models, Results
Claire Tourmen: Representing a Foreign Culture: Culture Learning During Study
Kijoo Ko: Developing the Online Korean Placement (Phase II): Norming Test,
Analysis, Revision and Addition of Test Items
Sept Talk: Music: The Universal Language?
Charles Limb
Oct Talk: How Language Centers Thrive: Notes from the Field
Rosemary Feal
Nov Talk: Sloganization in Language EducationDiscourse: Conceptual Thinking in the Age
of Academic Marketization
Barbara Schmenk
DecFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Weisi Cai: Understanding China through the Media: Teaching Advanced Chinese
with Multimedia Materials
Dmetri Hayes: Teaching Karuk and YurokOnline: A Story of Pain and Healing
Dominick Lawton: From Poetry to Memes: PoeticCitation in Russian Language
and Culture
Kathryn Pribble: ‘Zhili-Byli…’: Russian Folklore in the Intermediate Language
Feb Talk: ‘Machine Translation is a lot like Booze’: Language Instructors’ Beliefs about
Machine Translation
Emily Hellmich, Kimberly Vinall
Mar Talk: Crossing Institutional Borders: A Collaborative Study in Pragmatics Between
University Students and a Settlement Organization (CANCELED)
Julie Kerekes
Apr Talk: On Butterflies, Onions, and Surfers: How Language Teaching Can Save the
Glenn Levine
MayFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Jhonni Carr: Using the Language Around Us: Teaching Spanish Linguistics with
Urban Signage
Jason Vivrette: Towards a Trans-Anatolian Pedagogy: Traversing Invisible
Turkish-Kurdish Landscapes Through Film
Emily Linares: Literacy en français and à la française: Socializing Students to
Academic Literacy Practices in a Foreign Language
Sept Talk: Un-Boxing Gender: Toward Trans-Affirming L2 Pedagogies
Kris Knisely
OctTalk: Anniversary Panel for L2 Journal: What Should Be the Knowledge Base of Foreign
Language Teachers in Higher Education?
Margot Szarke, Dominick Lawton, Ignacio Navarrete, Minsook Kim, Gabriella
Licata, Anna Maria Bellezza
Nov Talk: On Butterflies, Onions, and Surfers: How Language Teaching Can Save the World
Glenn Levine
DecFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Nathalie Khankan: Affective Listening: Towards Tarab in the Arabic Language
Rachel Weiher: A Variationist Approach to Teaching French Phonetics
Kathryn DeWaele: Exploring Representations of Social Identity in Soviet &
Russian Film
Edwin Ko: ‘The Essence of the Language is in Texts’: Attitudes towards and uses
of texts in language revitalization
Feb Talk: The Humanities: What now? What next?
David Laurence
Mar Talk: Digital Literacies and Synthetic Embodiment: The Ethics of Mimicry on TikTok
Rodney Jones
Apr Talk: Reflections on Teaching the Conflicts in Foreign Language Classes
Rutie Adler, Annamaria Bellezza, Chika Shibahara, Lihua Zhang, Mark Kaiser
MayFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Laura Sacia Bonicatto: Exploring Culture through Definitions of Words
Ben Beitler: Don’t Throw Them Out! Old Textbooks in the New L2 Classroom
Mariagrazia De Luca: Teaching Italy as a Multicultural Space through Language
Sept Fellows Forum: Film in the Language Curriculum
Nikolaus Euba, Vesna Rodic, Chika Shibahara, Donna Southard, Jason Vivrette,
Lihua Zhang
Oct Panel: Study Abroad in a Post-Pandemic World
Robert Blake (Moderator)
Dan Davidson: Exploring Second Language Learning in the Virtual Study Abroad
Glenn Levine: Study Abroad, Interrupted: Opportunities and Challenges of
(Post-) Pandemic Times
Kim Morris: Getting Back Abroad and Why it Matters for L2 Pragmatic
Vivian Lee Nyitray: I’ve a Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore
Cristina Sanz, Gorka Basterretxea Santiso: Has the Pandemic Changed What
Matters for Students Planning to Study Abroad?
Sonia Shiri: Virtual Study Abroad During the Pandemic and Beyond
NovTalk: Moving Beyond Product, Process, or Genre: A Design Orientation to L2 Writing
Heather Allen Willis
DecFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Nora Melnikova: Course Innovation of Hindi 102A (Readings in Modern Hindi
Raksit Lau-Preechathammarach: Developing a Toolkit for Language
Revitalization: An Interactive Meeramuni Website
Karen Llagas: Proverbs & the Role of Image-Making and Word-Play in the
Filipino Language Classroom
Karina Palau: Beyond Bilingual: Translanguaging Experiments in a Reading &
Composition (R&C) Course at an Aspiring Hispanic-Serving Institution
JanTalk: Academic Podcasting, Public Scholarship, and Professional Networks
Stacey Margarita Johnson
FebWorkshop: Producing Podcasts in the Classroom
Keith Hernandez, Kimberly Vinall
FebPanel: Do You Speak Translate? A Conversation about Machine Translation and
Language Education
Claire Kramsch, Emily Hellmich, Kimberly Vinall
FebPanel: Translating Google Translate into Classroom Practices
Claire Knowles, Jason Jolley, Luciane Maimone, Laurence Denié-Higney, Vera
Klekovkina, Young Ae Kim, Jieun Ryu
MarTalk: From Disrupted Classrooms to Human-Machine Collaboration? The Pocket
Calculator, Google Translate, and the Future of Language Education
Per Urlaub, Eva Dessein
David Gramling, Laura Sterponi (Respondents)
AprTalk: Critical Race Pedagogy for Antiracist, Equity-Minded, and Inclusive Language
Uju Anya
AprFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Sabrina Jaszi: The Soviet 1960s: A Multiliteracies-Based Approach to
Second-Year Russian
Gabriella Licata: Designing a Language-Specific Course in Raciolinguistics
Zhonghua Wang: Breaking Boundaries: Global Perspectives, Digital
Humanities-Inflected Pedagogy and the Teaching of Italian History
and Literature
SeptRoundtable: Film in the Language/Culture Curriculum
Cristina Farronato, Amir Effat, Nataliia Goshylyk, Mark Kaiser, Minsook Kim, Karen Llagas, Nora Melnikova, Giuliana Perco
OctTalk: Undoing Competence: Coloniality, Homogeneity, and the Overrepresentation of
Whiteness Applied Linguistics
Jonathan Rosa
NovPanel: The Berkeley Language Center - Taking Stock Remembering the
Past and Envisioning the Future
Claire Kramsch, David Szanton, Alan Timberlake, Rick Kern, Mark Kaiser, Kimberly Vinall, Emily Hellmich
NovTalk:From Research on Sociocultural Linguistics to Critical Literacy for Language
Claudia Holguin Mendoza
DecFellows Forum: Instructional Development Research Projects
Amel Belguith: North African Arabic Language Course
Natalya Nielsen: Imagined Nordic Communities: Critical Conversations about
Race in Nordic Language Studies
Jan Workshop: The Grammar of Film: A Primer for World Language Teachers
Mark Kaiser, Maya Sidhu
FebTalk: Mixed-Heritage Individuals: Rewriting Narratives of Racial, Linguistic and
Cultural Deficiency
Aurora Tsai
Mar Talk: Language as Assemblage
Alastair Pennycook
Apr Talk: ‘Applied Linguistic Anthropology’ in Action: Language & Social Justice Projects
and Praxis
Netta Avineri, Patricia Baquedano-López
AprFellows Forum:Instructional Development Research Projects
Chi Leung Chan: Learning Mandarin and Cantonese in Health Communication
Simo Cocco: Designing an Instructor’s Guide to Introducing Gender Neutral
Grammar in Italian Language Class
Semyon Leonenko: Channeling Fluency: YouTube Interviews in the Advanced
Russian Classroom
Ahmad Rashid Salim: Tongue-Tied and Heart-Bound: Re-Placing Persian in
SeptRoundtable: Summer 2023 Fellows: Film in the Language/Culture CurriculumMark Kaiser & Maya Sidhu: IntroductionAmbika Athreya, Myrna Douzjian, Nathalie Khankan, David Kyeu, Natalya
Nielsen, Oksana Willis
OctTalk: Arrival: Essential Background Information and Strategies for Language Instructors
in the Age of Human-Like Language Technologies (Machine Translation and Large
Language Models)
Joel Walsh
Workshop: Creating Instructional Materials to Develop AI Literacies
Joel Walsh
NovTalk: Toward Justice in Study Abroad, Intercultural Learning, and Language Education
Janice McGregor
DecFellows Forum:Instructional Development Research Projects
Nataliia Goshylyk, Claire Tourmen, Yesenia Blanco
FebTalk: Towards a Pedagogy of Transculturality
Glynda Hull, Catherine Park
FebTalk: Supporting Language Learning for Neurodiverse Students in
Classroom Settings
Judit Kormos
March Talk: Sparking the Imagination: Creative Connectivity and Emotional
Investment in Language Learning
Simon Coffey
AprilFellows Forum:Instructional Development Research Projects
Cristina Farronato, Oliver Whitmore, Caroline Godard