Oct 22, 2021: BLC Panel - Study Abroad in a Post-Pandemic World

October 8, 2021

Study Abroad in a Post-Pandemic World

BLC Panel: (led by Robert Blake, UC Davis)

Study Abroad, Interrupted: Opportunities and Challenges of (Post-)Pandemic Times
Glenn Levine, UC Irvine

Exploring Second Language Learning in the Virtual Study Abroad Context
Dan Davidson, American Councils

Virtual Study Abroad During the Pandemic and Beyond
Sonia Shiri, University of Arizona

Has the Pandemic Changed What Matters for Students Planning to Study Abroad?
Cristina Sanz & Gorka Basterretxea Santiso, Georgetown University

Getting Back Abroad and Why It Matters for L2 Pragmatic Development
Kimberly Morris, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

I’ve a Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore
Vivian-Lee Nyitray, UCR and UCEAP

The COVID pandemic has disrupted all phases of our lives, including study abroad (SA) and foreign university exchanges. Considering the long and arduous process of learning a second language (L2), the recent pause in study abroad offerings does not bode well for the health of the world language (WL) curriculum and the overall goals of maintaining a high-quality language major.  This BLC panel explores what some in the WL profession have been doing during COVID to counteract the sudden cessation of SA programs and looks at ways to improve the SA experience working within the limitations of this global pandemic both now and in the future.  

Friday, October 22, 2021
Zoom Only, 3-5 pm
This lecture is sponsored by the College of Letters and Science.

BLC Lecture, Oct 22, 2021 - Study Abroad Panel