Rosa Norton

Job title: 
Postdoctoral Fellow

Rosa M. Norton, PhD is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Berkeley Language Center. She is part of the Future of Higher Education (FHE) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at UC Berkeley, which aims to foster a culture of diversity in higher education administration by supporting recent PhDs interested in the field. She earned a PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology from UC Berkeley in 2024 and her MA in Near Eastern Studies from NYU in 2012. Her research interests center on Morocco and Spain’s long entwinement through the history of al-Andalus, twentieth-century colonialism and contemporary projects focused on resurrecting or contesting aspects of this shared past. Her focus as an undergraduate at Harvard College was in postcolonial studies and she is particularly interested in decolonial approaches to knowledge production as well as praxis.

Dr. Norton is a multi-year Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellow and Critical Language Scholarship recipient in Modern Standard Arabic. Prior to her graduate studies she was a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Bontang, Indonesia.

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