Contact Us

Our main office in B-40 Dwinelle Hall is currently open Monday through Friday, 9AM-4PM; main department phone number: 510-642-9183.

For general information, please address your inquiry to

For information on the Recording Studio services and rental, contact Studio Recording technician, Keith Hernandez.

The department Office Manager is Orlando Garcia.

The department Director is Kimberly Vinall.

BLC department location

Directions & Accessibility 

All rooms on the basement level (B level), including the main BLC office, can be accessed via the accessible entrance next to Durham Theater, on the southwestern corner of the building. 

33 Dwinelle (located on the C level) is accessible via elevator. Enter Dwinelle via the main entrance off Sproul Plaza. Take the main entrance elevators down one floor to the C level. Take a right out of the elevator and proceed to the end of the hallway. Take another right and find 33 Dwinelle at the end of the hallway, on the left. 

For information about campus tours, public transportation, and parking, please visit UC Berkeley Visitor Services.