Past BLC Fellows


Zijing Fan, Graduate Student

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Chinese Learning: From Textbooks to Everyday Life

Jennifer Kaplan, Graduate Student


Gender in/and French: Teaching Inclusive French in the First-Year Language Classroom and Beyond

Elena LeonenkoGraduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Teaching Russian Lexically

John Prusynski, Lecturer


Four Languages for the Price of One? Teaching Speakers of Scandinavian Languages to Read their Neighbor-Languages’ Texts


Claire Tourmen, Lecturer


Building Languages in Classes for Professional Purposes: Opportunities, Challenges, and Best Practices

Nataliia Goshylyk, Lecturer

Ukrainian and Slavic Languages & Literatures

Learning the Language of the Contemporary Ukrainian Society Through Films

Yesenia BlancoGraduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

Cultivating Critical Language Awareness in the Heritage Language Classroom: A Module on Language Ideologies

Cristina Farronato, Lecturer

Italian Studies

Untranslatability and Transposition: Enhancing Italian Language Learning through the Challenges of Translation

Caroline Godard, Graduate Student


De-centering the Native Speaker in the L2 Creative Writing Classroom

Oliver Whitmore, Graduate Student


Raising Awareness of Contemporary Occitan among Learners of French


Chi Leung Chan, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Learning Mandarin and Cantonese in Health Communication Contexts

Simo Cocco

Graduate Student, Italian

Designing an Instructor’s Guide to Introducing Gender Neutral Grammar in Italian Language Class

Semyon Leonenko, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Channeling Fluency: YouTube Interviews in the Advanced Russian Classroom

Ahmad Rashid Salim, Graduate Student

Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures

Tongue-Tied and Heart-Bound: Re-Placing Persian in Afghanistan

Amel Belguith, Lecturer

Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures

North African Arabic Language Course

Natalya Nielsen, Graduate Student


Imagined Nordic Communities: Critical Conversations about Race in Nordic Language 



Sabrina Jaszi, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

The Soviet 1960s: A Multiliteracies Approach to Second-Year Russian

Gabriella Licata, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

Designing a Language-Specific Course in Raciolinguistics

Zhongua Wang, Graduate Student


Breaking Boundaries: Global Perspectives, Digital Humanities-Inflected Pedagogy and the Teaching of Italian History and Literature

Nora Melnikova, Lecturer

South & Southeast Asian Studies

Course Innovation of Hindi 101A (Readings in Modern Hindi Literature)

Raksit Lau-Preechathammarach, Graduate Student


Developing a Toolkit for Language Revitalization: An Interactive Meeramuni Website

Karen Llagas, Lecturer

South & Southeast Asian Studies

Proverbs & the Role of Image-Making and Word-Play in the Filipino Language Classroom

Karina Palau, Lecturer

Comparative Literature

Beyond Bilingual: Translanguaging Experiments in a Reading & Composition Course at an Aspiring Hispanic Serving Institution


Nathalie Khankan, Lecturer

Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures

Affective Listening: Towards Tarab in the Arabic Language Classroom

Rachel Weiher, Graduate Student

Romance Languages & Literatures

A Variationist Approach to Teaching French Phonetics

Kathryn DeWaele, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Exploring Representations of Social Identity in Soviet & Russian Film

Edwin Ko, Graduate Student


‘The Essence of the Language is in Texts’: Attitudes towards and uses of texts in language revitalization

Laura Sacia Bonicatto, Lecturer


Exploring Culture through Definitions of Words

Ben Beitler, Graduate Student


Don’t Throw Them Out! Old Textbooks in the New L2 Classroom

Mariagrazia De Luca, Graduate Student

Italian Studies

Teaching Italy as a Multicultural Space through Language


Weisi Cai, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Understanding China through the Media: Teaching Advanced Chinese with Multimedia Materials

Dmetri Hayes, Graduate Student


Teaching Karuk and Yurok Online: A Story of Pain and Healing

Dominick Lawton, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

From Poetry to Memes: Poetic Citation in Russian Language and Culture

Kathryn Pribble, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

‘Zhili-Byli…’: Russian Folklore in the Intermediate Language Classroom

Jhonni Carr, Lecturer


Using the Language Around Us: Teaching Spanish Linguistics with Urban Signage

Jason Vivrette, Lecturer

Near Eastern Studies

Emily Linares, Graduate Student


Literacy en français and à la française: Socializing Students to Academic Literacy Practices in a Foreign Language


Minsook Kim, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

From a Face-to-Face to Hybrid Intermediate Korean Course

Julia Nee, Graduate Student


Zapotec Language Revitalization: What can be accomplished with a two-week Summer School?

Vesna Rodic, Lecturer


Towards the Greening of the L2 Classroom: An example from French

Amelia Barili, Lecturer


Building Bridges Across Cultures: Intercultural Service Learning

Junghee Park, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Developing a Hybrid Intermediate Korean Language Course: Goals, Models, Results

Claire Tourmen, Lecturer


Representing a Foreign Culture: Culture Learning During Study Abroad

Kijoo Ko, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Developing the Online Korean Placement (Phase II): Norming Test, Analysis, Revision and Addition of Test Items


Antje Postema, Lecturer

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Cultural Memory in Focus: Designing a Travel? Study Program for the Former Yugoslavia

Elyse Ritchey, Graduate Student


Teaching French Listening Comprehension and Cultural Awareness through Regional Variation

Peng Yin, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

From Communities of Practice to the Emergence of Thirdness: Voices, Identities, and Subject Positions of Chinese International Students in the US

Denis Ekici, Lecturer

Near Eastern Studies

Developing Curricular Materials for Kurdish Language Instruction

Eva Szoke, Lecturer

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Highly Varied Proficiency Levels in the Same Classroom —Differentiated Instruction as 

a Means of Effective Language Teaching

Erica Weems, Lecturer


Developing Interpretive Insight through Reframing Texts


Giuliana Perco, Lecturer

Italian Studies 

Blended Learning, anyone? A path to designing a hybrid language course

Aubrey Gabel, Graduate Student


FrancoForniens: Bringing Oral History into the French-Language Classroom

Matthew Kendall, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Teaching Verbs of Motion through Film in the intermediate Russian Classroom

Ellen Langer, Lecturer

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Harnessing the Power of Electronic Media: Incorporating Film in the Introductory Czech Curriculum

Jann Ronis, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Adding a Robust Cultural Component in Elementary Tibetan

Kathryn Levine, Graduate Student


Medieval French in the Modern  French Classroom

Christina Schwartz, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Developing Cultural Literacy through Social Media in the Russian Language Classroom


Linda Louie, Graduate Student


Beyond Grammar: Revisiting translation in the foreign language classroom

Emily Hellmich, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Surveys in language teaching and research: A personal and professional journey

Irina Kogel, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Teaching Russian cultural competence and listening comprehension through video interviews

Keith Budner, Graduate Student

Comparative Literature

Graphic novels in foreign language learning

Lily Scott, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Learning through art and visual culture

Jennifer Mackenzie, Graduate Student

Italian Studies

Italian by design: A bridge course


Donna Southard, Lecturer


Memoria Historica: A Film Module for Intermediate Spanish

Sherry Hicks, Lecturer


ASL Pedagogy: A Further Exploration of Deaf Culture Within the ASL Curriculum

Marina Romani, Graduate Student

Italian Studies

Italian in Performance: Opera as a Holistic Framework for Language Pedagogy

Yasuko Baker & Noriko Wallace, Lecturers 

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Developing an Online Placement Test (OPT) for the Japanese

Karen Moller, Lecturer

Scandinavian Studies

Teaching Cultural Literacy Through Visual Art

Chloe Kitzinger, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Intermediate Russian Through History and Literature

Margot Szarke, Graduate Student




Katya Balter, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Have you heard that one about…?:  Russian Language and Culture through the Anekdot

Cammeron Girvin, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Uniting the BCS Classroom with Folkloric Language

Marco Prina, Graduate Student

Italian Studies

Interweaving Italian Language and Culture through Historically Distant Memories

Chen-hui Tsai, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Literatures

UCB Online Chinese Placement Test:  Improvements, Implementations and Impediments

Kimberly Vinall, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Got Llorona?: Reflections on the potential to develop learners’ symbolic competence in 

the language and culture classroom

Erik Born, Graduate Student


Digital Textbooks: Emerging trends and practices

Yasuko Konno Baker andNoriko Komatsu Wallace, Lecturers

East Asian Languages & Literatures

Developing an Online Placement Test for the UCB Japanese Program


Ellen Langer, Lecturer

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Teaching Czech Language through Cultural Media: Creating a Course Curriculum

Juan Caballero, Graduate Student

Comparative Literatures

Integrating Film as Language, as Culture, as a Medium, and as Discourse Genre across a Foreign-Language Writing Curriculum

Marco Purpura, Graduate Student 

Italian Studies 

The World in an Ad: Learning Italian through TV Commercials

Corey Bynes, Graduate Student

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Putting the Literary back in Literary Chinese: Incorporating Analysis and Interpretation into Literary Chinese Pedagogy

Erin Coyne, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Ethnic Minorities of the Russian Federation: How Diversity has shaped Russophone Culture

Jaran Shin, Graduate Student 

Graduate School of Education

History and Memory: Teaching History in the English Language Development Classroom

Maria Vendetti, Graduate Student


Non-Hexagonal Francophone Culture: Rethinking Transcultural Competencies in the French Language Classroom


Sirpa Tuomainen, Lecturer


Ethnographers in Training – Searching for Finnishness among Berkeley Finns

Rosaria Carbotti, Graduate Student

Italian Studies

Teaching Italian History through Film Clips in the Language Classroom

Maya Smith, Graduate Student


Online Music Database and Lesson Plans for Language Instructors: a Intertextuality Perspective

Letizia Allais, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Thirdness in the Foreign Language Classroom

Daniel Aaron Brooks, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Learning Russian through Silent Film

Jonathan Haddad, Graduate Student


Exploring Multilingual Contexts for Language Pedagogy: A pilot study using French and Arabic texts to foster intercultural competence

Jennifer Johnson, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

What Educators can learn from embodies intercultural communication: Exploring embodied modes of meaning making in a family language class


Hephzibah Sunkari, Lecturer

South & Southeast Asian Studies

Curriculum Model Development for 1st Year Telugu

William Allen Heidenfeld, Graduate Student


A Genre-Based Approach to the Writing Process

Traci Speed Lindsey, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Utilization of Bulgarian Audio and Video Media in the 1st Year Classroom

Mara Mauri Jacobsen, Lecturer

Italian Studies

Language and Culture in Documentaries by Italian Women Filmmakers

Lucas Stratton, Graduate Student


Russian Phonetics: Sound and Meaning in Russian Avant-Garde Poetry

Wakae Kambara, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Teaching Japanese Pragmatic Competence using Film Clips


Hephzibah Sunkari, Lecturer

South & Southeast Asian Studies

Curriculum Model Development for 1st Year Telugu

William Allen Heidenfeld, Graduate Student


A Genre-Based Approach to the Writing Process

Traci Speed Lindsey, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Utilization of Bulgarian Audio and Video Media in the 1st Year Classroom

Mara Mauri Jacobsen, Lecturer

Italian Studies

Language and Culture in Documentaries by Italian Women Filmmakers

Lucas Stratton, Graduate Student


Russian Phonetics: Sound and Meaning in Russian Avant-Garde Poetry

Wakae Kambara, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Teaching Japanese Pragmatic Competence using Film Clips


Galen Sibanda, Lecturer


Teaching Language and Culture through Film

Jessica Rasheeda Williams, Graduate Student

Italian Studies

Facebook and Creating Community for Beginning to Intermediate Italian Language Learners

Heather McMichael, Graduate Student


Laboratorio en Movimiento

Annamaria Bellezza, Lecturer

Italian Studies

Teaching Italian through Theatre: A performative approach

Minsook Kim, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Developing a curriculum for Korean heritage language learners through individualized, 

learner-oriented multimedia projects

Usree Bhattacharya, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

New Direction: Blogging in SL/FL Classrooms

Jason Vivrette, Graduate Student

Comparative Literature

Cultivating Awareness: Register and Context in First-Year Arabic


Desiree Pries, Lecturer


Translingual/Transcultural Competence: an Operational Approach to the MLA report

Jillian Porter, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Filmmaking and Foreign Language Instruction

Jason Vivrette, Graduate Student

Comparative Literature

Crossing the Bridge: Shifting Perspectives on and in First-Year Turkish through Film

Kristin Dickinson, Graduate Student

Comparative Literature

Literacy in First-Year Turkish: a Multi-Voiced Approach

Adam Mendelson, Graduate Student


Online Communication in Beginning Spanish Instruction

Junghee Park, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

‘Reading’ TV: Graphic Overtitles in Korean TV Shows


Clélia Donovan, Lecturer

Spanish & Portuguese

Reevaluating and Restructuring the Portuguese Language Curriculum

Miranda Kentfield, Graduate Student


Responding to Characters: A Study of French Learners’ Interpretive Skills and Affective 

Responses to Literature

Robert Adler-Peckerar, Graduate Student


Cultural and Communicative Competence in Yiddish: Strategies for Teaching a 

Non-territorial Language

Lyn Scott, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Designing Instruction for English Learners from an Ecological Perspective of Language Learning

Amelia Barili, Lecturer

Spanish & Portuguese

Learning to learn: neurobiology and cognitive science as a basis of autonomous learning principles and applications

Jennifer Gipson, Graduate Student 


Innovating Tradition: Folklore, Literature, and Translingual and Transcultural Competence

Julia McAnallen, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Reconciling with the Unavoidable: Assessing the Impact of Advertising on the Russian Language


Agnes Mazur, Graduate Student 

Graduate School of Education

The high stakes of creativity: multilingual students and the modeling of academic writing in California high schools

Stiliana Milkova, Graduate Student 

Comparative Literature

Creative and Communicative Materials for Bulgarian Instruction

Elena Morabito, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Uncertain Linguistic Borders: the Pedagogy of Bosnia in the Post-Yugoslav World

Li Liu, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Literatures

Grammar and authenticity: Teaching Grammar in context to the First year Mandarin Heritage Students

Noriko K. Wallace, Lecturer 

East Asian Languages & Literatures

Culture course for advanced modern Japanese

Lihua Zhang, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Literatures

Research on integrating Chinese culture in Chinese Language teaching

Anne E. Dwyer, Graduate Student

Comparative Literature

Narrowing the gap between UCB and EAP: Bringing Lectures from Moscow into the 

Berkeley Intermediate Russian Classroom

Laura Mieka Erley, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Petersburg Online

Michael Huffmaster, Graduate Student


The Uses of Poetry in Second-Year German


Nikolaus Euba, Lecturer


Why Teach and Learn German in 2005? Articulating the German Language Program at UC Berkeley

Olya Gurevich, Graduate Student 


Interactive web-based tools for learning Georgian

David Malinowski, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Interpreting the Korean English Linguistic Landscape

Sarah Roberts, Lecturer


Flaneur de Paris: An Interactive Learning Environment for French Conversation

Wakae Kambara, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

A Supplementary Reading Course in Japanese

Eugenia Teytelman, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Unveiling the Magic of Fairytales

David Divita, Graduate Student


Toward Practice of Reflexivity: Accounting for the Self in Foreign Language Learning

Katra Anne Byram, Graduate Student


History, Perspective and Focus on Form: Strengthening Learner Literacy in Berkeley’s German 3 Program

Pablo Baler, Graduate Student


Un Día en la Vida: A Documentary Production Activity as a Form of Language and Culture Acquisition


Ellen Rosenfield, Lecturer

GSI Teaching and Resource Center

University Classroom Language for GSI’s

Lihua Zhang, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Teaching Mandarin Chinese as a Second Dialect

Mark Nelson, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Lost (and Found) in Transformation (and Transduction): Synaesthesia and Multimodal Text Creation

Victoria Somoff, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Under the Textual Mask: Toward Alternative Strategies in Teaching Writing to Heritage Speakers

Renee Perelmutter, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Web Logging to Enhance the Second Language Classroom

Anna Livia, Lecturer


How Do You Teach Translation?

Jeremy Ecke, Graduate Student


Grammatical Estrangement

Robert Schechtman, Graduate Student


Whither ‘Communities’? An Appraisal of Foreign Language Education in Light of the National Standards

Natasha Azarian, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

A Case Study of a Multigenerational Ethnic Community: Implications for the Teaching of Less Commonly Taught Languages


Polina Barskova, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Creative writing and reading in Russian: Poetry in Focus

Sargam Shah, Lecturer

GSI Teaching and Resources Center

Realistic Language Training for Prospective GSIs: Improving Chances for Success

Rakhel Villamil-Acera, Graduate Student Spanish & Portuguese

Teaching Literary Texts: From Spanish 4 to Spanish 25

Clare You, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Introduction to Korean Short Stories –Fourth-Year Korean

Sarah Bailey, Graduate Student


Yiddish Language Heritage and Teaching in the 21stCentury

David Gramling, Graduate Student


Translingual Practice: Teaching the Tropical Germany?

Stephanie Hom-Cary, Graduate Student 

Italian Studies

A Language Flows through It(aly): Learning Italian, Multilingualism, and the Pursuit of Happiness


Paige Daniel, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Interactional Patterns in Web-based Writing of Foreign Language Students

Agnes Dimitriou, Lecturer

Spanish & Portuguese

Evaluation of Student Foreign Language Performance Before and After Participating in 

the University’s Study Abroad Program

William Short, Graduate Student


A New Latin Methodology

Kristen Templeman, Graduate Student


Conversational French Theater Workshop

Michael Chad Welllmon, Graduate Student


Being in the World of Language: Rethinking Language through the Bildungstradition

Lowry Martin, Graduate Student


A Spoonful of Films Makes the Literature Go Down: Supplementing French 3 Curriculum with Filmic Texts

Luh Hsyng Nelson, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Chinese OPI Certification

Michael Chad Wellmon, Graduate Student


Reclaiming a Metaphor: The Hermeneutics of Negotiation


Sarah Roberts, Graduate Student


Using Drama to Enhance Language Learning in Second-Year French

Karina Sliwinski, Graduate Student


Researching the Role of Performance in the Teaching of Durrenmatt's 'Der Besuch derr alten Dame' in German 3

Amelia Barili, Lecturer

Spanish & Portuguese

Teaching Grammar and Composition to Advance Spanish Students: A Method that Works

Josephine Kelso, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Navigating Academic Discourse: Developing Interpretations of Texts

Lynne Frame, Lecturer


Writing Business German for Culture and Communication

David Petterson, Graduate Student


Expanding Extensive Reading in the French 2 Curriculum

David Wacks, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

L2 Production and Immersion Simulation Software: The Next (Proficiency-Based) Generation

Chantelle Warner, Graduate Student


The Design and Implementation of Networked-Based Activities in the German 2 

Classroom: A Pilot Project


Robert McFarland, Graduate Student


My Deutsche is getting Deutsche-er all the time’- Blurring the borders of input and output in the intermediate German classroom

Tiffani Skogmo, Graduate Student


Preparing for German III in German II

Kevin Wiliarty, Graduate Student


Collective category negotiations and the acquisition of German directional prepositions

Lisa Little, Lecturer

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Performance & placement: Designing a plan for testing in the undergraduate Russian program

Beth Samuelson, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Doing the work an academic writer: Evaluating writing in college-prep English

Kevin Wiliarty, Graduate Student


The role of idiomaticity in the acquisition of German directional prepositions

Boris Wolfson, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Formative computer-based Testing in First-semester Russian: An error analysis

Nelleke Van Duesen, Lecturer

Dutch Studies

UC Survey of Heritage Languages


Mary Akatiff, Graduate Student


What’s going on in their heads? An ethnography of writers in Advanced Intermediate German classes

John Becker, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

Issues in computer language testing in the classroom

Daniela Fritz, Graduate Student


The notion of text and how to teach it – A methods course for GSI’s teaching 2nd and 3rd Year foreign language classes

Ellen Langer, Lecturer

Slavic Languages & Literatures

First-year reading materials for students of Czech: Use of L2 elementary school textbooks for college language learners

Sakae Fujita, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Mushfaking theater: Teaching foreign language and culture through improvisational techniques

Kathryn Klar, Lecturer

Celtic Studies

Using online resources in the Welsh language classroom

Sirpa Tuomainen, Lecturer


Sinulle on Postia! Using global e-mailing to enhance students

Juliette Wade, Graduate Student

Graduate School of Education

Kinjo: Exploring the potential of a relationally organized simulation environment for Japanese language instruction


Irma Pena Gosalvez, Lecturer

South & Southeast Asian Studies

Toward developing a curriculum for Heritage students of Tagalog

Ann Marsh-Flores, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

More than song & dance: Exploring a music-based first year language curriculum

Doug Moody, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

The curtain rises on digital theater: Rehearsing and staging the first act

Peter Spoerl, Graduate Student


Vocabulary acquisition and semantic field: Communicative strategies for the introduction of culturally-specified vocabulary in the Foreign Language

Nabil Abdelfattah, Lecturer

Near Eastern Studies

Developing reading and listening strategies for Beginning and Intermediate level students of Arabic using interactive multimedia CD-ROM

Jeremy Chen, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Literatures

Chinese characters on-line learning guide

Ann Marsh-Flores, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Developing a music-based 1st year language curriculum: Exploring the applicability of rhythmic-based texts in Russian

Doug Moody, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

Act Two: The curtain rises on digital theatre, but you have to download it first

Sabine Stoll, Graduate Student

Slavic Languages & Literatures

Teaching Russian aspect: A case of grammatical harassment?


Matt Erlin, Graduate Student


Visual and textual literacy: Establishing a structural link between visual and textual 


Edwige Gamache, Graduate Student 


Revision of curriculum in French 3 & 4 (second-year French)

Jennifer Kapczynski, Graduate Student


A handbook on performative strategies in the classroom

Lori Ultsch, Lecturer

Italian Studies 

Development of a graded reader (for the L2 Reader)

Francine A’Ness, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

We see the world by authoring it–Teaching culture through multimedia design for the Spanish & Portuguese department

Susan Martin, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

Improving oral proficiency in Spanish language classrooms Through the use of audio, video, and computer technologies: A proposal for materials and methodology development

Ying Yang, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Multimedia exercises for first-year Chinese students-Using computer technology to 

assist first-year students in the acquisition of Chinese

Nadia Yaqub, Graduate Student

Near Eastern Studies

Developing web-based tutorials for teaching media Arabic-Exploring the process of

text selection and organization to create tutorials using interactive technology


Francine A’Ness, Graduate Student

Spanish & Portuguese

Computer technology & second language acquisition: Preparing the Spanish and Portuguese department for the 21st Century 

Julie Betz, Graduate Student


Discourse analysis at the cultural fault line: Capitalizing on the multilingual reality of language study

Kristin Kopp, Graduate Student


Rewriting the German III curriculum

Cecilia Chu, Lecturer

East Asian Languages & Cultures

Completion of ‘Fan-jian – Chinese,' character conversion training program

Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl, Lecturer

Dutch Studies 

Developing a new language curriculum in Afrikaans: Its history, current status and 

future role as a national language in South Africa