Dec 2, 2022: Fall BLC Fellows Forum

November 18, 2022

Instructional Development Research Projects

North African Arabic Language Course

Amel Belguith, Lecturer

Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures

This presentation outlines a course designed to teach North African Arabic, with an emphasis on Moroccan Arabic, for students who know Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and are interested in pursuing further study in Arabic or a career in politics or international relations. In addition to providing students with a different cultural experience, learning Moroccan Arabic allows them to engage in everyday conversations and access TV shows, movies, and books. Sample activities will be discussed as well as course design principles.

Imagined Nordic Communities: Critical Conversations about Race in Nordic Language Studies

Natalya Nielsen

Graduate Student, Scandinavian

UC Berkeley students often come into Nordic language classrooms with strong associations of this region with whiteness. Because commonly used Nordic language textbooks do little to challenge this coupling of nationality and race (besides at best a shallow kind of multiculturalism), the modules developed for this project aim to help students think critically about race, indigeneity, belonging, and identity in a Nordic context. This project provides ideas for all teachers on implementing a critical race pedagogy into their language classrooms.

Friday, December 2, 2022
B-4 Dwinelle & via Zoom, 3-5 pm
This lecture is sponsored by the College of Letters and Science.

Fall 2022 BLC Fellows Forum