Neoliberalism Archive

Results in BLC Posts

American Association of Applied Linguistics

With the support of the BLC, I had the opportunity to present a paper at the annual American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, which was held March 24-27 in Portland. I have attended this conference regularly for the past eight years. This conference brings together both American and international researchers with broad and diverse…

Results in L2 Journal Articles

The Idea of Bildung in the Current Educational Discourse: A Response to Irene Heidt

It is surprising that there is a young academic in 2015 working intensively on the German philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) and his concept of Bildung. In times where – as the author states herself – educational systems globally tend to follow neoliberal principles and where the visibility, commodification, and instrumentalization of knowledge produce ...

Bildung Reloaded–Educational Challenges for a Globalized World

Worldwide, education promises a better future for aspiring generations. However, our current educational landscape has been shaped by neoliberal thinking, and is thus often oriented toward economic objectives. In Germany Bildung is a notion ...

Space and Language Learning under the Neoliberal Economy

Neoliberalism, as an ideology that valorizes and institutionalizes market-based freedom and individual entrepreneurship, derives from the logic of highly advanced capitalism, and thus must be understood in relation to the material conditions of our capitalist economy. One such material condition is space. However, the intersection of space and neoliberalism ...

Neoliberalism, Universities and the Discourse of Crisis

Neoliberal ideology has enjoyed tremendous success over the past thirty-five years by discursively suppressing structural dissent among working and middle class citizens of industrialized countries. The general decline in economic conditions faced by contemporary workers, coupled with the 2008 global financial crisis, forced neoliberal advocates to ...

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