Culture Archive

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Reading TV: Graphic Overtitles in Korean TV Shows

My research starts from the recognition of the importance of teaching media literacy in Korean—a form of literacy which is becoming an essential part of language education today, since knowing how to “read” sophisticated layers of multimodal communication in the written mode of technology-mediated communication is becoming more and more a necessary skill for reading…

Lecture by Joe Lo Bianco, March 16, 2007

Too Much and Not Enough Identity: Constituting English in Asian Language Policy Circles by Joseph Lo Bianco, Chair of Language and Literacy Education, University of Melbourne, Australia This lecture discusses recent and long-standing attributions of both cultural neutrality and bias in and for English. The lecture will trace both recent and longer term associations of…

Lecture by Sally Magnan, February 23, 2007

From National Educational Standards to Language Use by Sally Sieloff Magnan, Professor of French and Director of the Language Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison The National Standards for Foreign Language Learning are having a substantial effect on instruction. However, socially based perspectives of second language acquisition, focusing on language use, lead us to question how we…

Lecture by Janet Swaffar, September 22, 2006

Some Thoughts on the Cultural Permutations of Literacy in Language Teaching by Janet Swaffar, Professor of German, Department of Germaic Studies, University of Texas at Austin This talk explores literacy as a culturally marked phenomenon that has many dimensions. I will start with examples of how cultural contexts manifest themselves among different genres for different…

Lecture by Rick Kern and Tim Wolcott, April 19, 2005

Linguistic and Cultural Identity in Study Abroad by Rick Kern, Associate Professor, Director, French Language Program & Timothy Wolcott, Graduate Student, School of Education Empirical studies of study abroad that track language acquisition gains in terms of specific structures show mixed results.  Many students report, moreover, that language acquisition is just a small part of…

Workshop on Professional Development, June 23-27, 2003

Professional Development Workshop: Discourse and Culture in Language Study Speakers: Robin Lakoff, UC Berkeley Heidi Byrnes, Georgetown University Anthony Liddicoat, Australia Monday-Friday, Juen 23-27, 2003 Geballe Room, Townsend Center for the Humanitites, 220 Stephens Hall

Lecture by Gilberte Furstenberg, October 18, 2002

Redefining the Teaching of Culture: The Pedagogy of Electronic Media by Gilberte Furstenberg, Senior Lecturer in French, Foreign Languages and Literatures, MIT Gilberte Furstenberg will present Cultura, and NEH-funded project designed to develop students’ in-depth understanding of another culture.  She will demonstrate an innovative methodology that uses the Web to foster cross-cultural understanding and collaboration…

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