Developing Curricular Materials for Kurdish Language Instruction

The limited body of materials for teaching the Kurdish language has various shortcomings. While the outdated grammar books are specifically targeted for linguists interested in comparative linguistics or grammatical and linguistic analysis of the Kurdish language and ethnography, more recent textbooks suffer from numerous problems, most noticeably the scope and sequence of grammar topics as well as the stereotypicality of cultural topics and related vocabulary. The BLC Fellowship provided me with the resources to address these and other shortcomings in my own grammar book in the making. Moreover, thanks to BLC’s emphasis on the importance of culture in language teaching, I was able to integrate culture more fully in my lessons by featuring cultural artifacts, icons, holidays and prominent personalities, as well as more abstract socio-cultural concepts. By addressing these issues in a textbook I am also hoping to provide guidance to language instructors on not only what to teach but also how to teach it.

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