Lecture by James Coleman, March 19, 2009

New Perspectives on Study Abroad Research: Goals, Variables, and Methods

by James Coleman, Language Learning and Teaching at,The Open University, UK

The learning outcomes of study abroad are not only linguistic, but also academic, cultural, intercultural, personal and professional.  Nor are study abroad contexts as uniform as they are often assumed to be:  every context has its own educational, economic, linguistic, political, technological and social variables.  The polysemous nature of ‘study abroad’, methodological shortcomings in published studies, and the sometimes unjustified conflation of research findings from very different contexts make generalizations hazardous.  However, the integration of qualitative and quantitative research approaches is beginning to provide a more complete picture.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
3:00-5:00 pm, B-4 Dwinelle Hall